Simba: A Eulogy

This past Summer, we laid to rest A Good Truck.

Simba The Toyota Pick up Truck

Standard, 5-Shift with a cap on the back and a whole lot of heart. He never turned down a good Road Trip, even when he was limping along spewing a Quart of Oil per 50km’s… He got me there.

Simba’s Highlights Include:
Summer 2016 – Meeting me for the first time, Going to Ness Creek, and the shop, a lot.

New Years 2017 – Nelson BC, to Party with Michael Henry and give those snowy back trails a good go.

Winter 2017/18 – A Round Trip to Belize and Back. Zig Zagging through Mexico and back up the western states, a combined estimated total of 16,000km’s.
Clipped a semi going 100km/hr, and kept on drivin’

I didn’t even spill my beer…


Spring 2018 – A zig zag through BC. All the way to Vancouver for a beer. On the way back, a straight 24-hour drive to Moose Jaw for Adam’s wedding.

By Swift Current something blew and Simba was Spewing Oil, smoking bad But I kept him floored going 90km/h… pulled up to the church with a drop of oil left… Snuck in just before the bride walked down the aisle. Simba you Boss.

Summer 2018 – Engine Replacement. Shaved off 60 thousand km’s for a working engine. $700 Purchased and installed. But it didn’t work well…

Tree Planting Camps, Northern Alberta and Kannaskis Country Alberta

Camping remote locations all through the Rocky Mountains/Okanagan Valley & Orchards

Road trip from BC to Saskatchewan with twice the suggested weight limit for a truck his size, in fruit. Through the Rocky’s. An impressive feat.

The Fires of Northern BC

Corb Lund/Ian Tyson – Drumheller Badlands Amphitheatre, August.

Simba’s new Engine burst on this trip as well. Spewing More Oil, now at a Quart/50km’s… We limped in for the show, and limped back home.

And that glorious return to Eyebrow, would be Simba’s last. His organs have been donated so that other Toyota’s can still live long happy lives.


So long Simba, I shall never Forget You.